Marc Boucher
Jean-Paul Boudreau
Jean-Claude Bustros
Luc Courchesne
Nina Czegledy
Jean Dubois
Bruce Elder
Luc Faucher
Herve Fischer
Frédéric Fournier
Jean Gagnon
Nelson Henricks
Lynn Hughes
Michaël La Chance
Wieslaw Michalak
Francine Perinet
Kathleen Pirrie-Adams
Louise Poissant
Izabella Pruska-Oldenhof
Yves Racicot
Patrice Renaud
Edward Slopek
Don Snyder
Pierre Tremblay |
Wieslaw Michalak
" Vilem Flusser's Philosophy of Technical Images "
Perhaps the most controversial implication of the emergence of technical images
is decline of the significance of texts and writing in general. This is where
most of Flusser's critics concentrate their anger. Since images created with
a camera are calculable and computable - that is they are technical - it is unlikely,
according to Flusser, that writing will remain a paradigmatic cultural technique.
Text is detached from the image it represents. The technical images are completely
different from those that existed before the invention of writing. They represent
texts that, in turn, represent images and then things. Pre-narrative images were
directly related to things they represented. Flusser argued for a society in
which individuals would incorporate the new proactively rather than passively
witnessing the transition. Using the code of writing, he reflected on the material
conditions of writing and its imminent death that, ironically, writing itself
brings about: 'The Enlightenment has run its course, and there is nothing in
the new left to explain'.